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99 Sleep Ideas

Sleep Solutions:

Slumber 1 Understand slumber 9
Balance basic needs (MMSS) 2 Balance basic needs 9
MMSS 3 Believe you can sleep 10
Eyes (closed) 4 Close your eyes 9
Inactive 5 Lie still 10
Schedule time to rest 6 Schedule time to rest 6
Sleep when dark 7 Sleep at night (when dark) 7
Stable circadian rhythm 8 Stabilize circadian rhythm 10
Unwind before bed 9 Unwind before bed 10
Read a book 10 Read a book 7
Grounding 11 Try Grounding 7
Calming sleep tools 12 Use calming tools 7
Reduce noise 13 Reduce noise 6
Listen to music 14 Listen to music 7
Sound therapy 15 Try sound therapy 6
Use ear plugs 16 Use earplugs 7
Reduce light exposure 17 Reduce light exposure 6
Light filters 18 Try light filters 5
Try a sleeping mask 19 Try a sleeping mask 7
cozy bedroom 20 Create a cozy bedroom 7
Good pillow 21 Select a good pillow 7
quilt (bedcover) 22 Select a good quilt (bedcover) 6
good sleepwear 23 Select good sleepwear 6
Comfortable bed 24 Get a comfortable bed 9
Bedroom oxygen level 25 Increase bedroom oxygen level 9
Limit activities 26 Limit activities 7
Analyze activities 27 Analyze activities & habits 6
Writing therapy 28 Try writing therapy 7
Write diary 29 Start a diary 6
Accept the present 30 Accept the present 5
Focus on the controllables 31 Focus on the controllables 6
Enter unitasking 32 Enter unitasking 6
Focus on well-being 33 Focus on well-being 7
Goal diversification 34 Try goal diversification 7
Atomic habits 35 Create atomic habits 7
Positive memories 36 Remember past positives 6
Positive affirmations 37 Try positive affirmations 7
Positive memories 38 Prioritize social community 9
Positive affirmations 39 Find joy in tiny words 5
Reevaluate expectations 40 Reevaluate expectations 5
Manage repetitive thoughts 41 Manage repetitive thoughts 7
Control your emotions 42 Monitor your emotions 7
Schedule worry time 43 Schedule worry time 7
Attention training 44 Try attention training 6
Daylight exposure 45 Get daylight exposure 8
Working night shifts 46 Handle night shifts 6
Avoid late screen time 47 Avoid late screen time 7
Sleep restriction therapy 48 Try sleep restriction therapy 7
Find your core fear 49 Find your "core fear" 7
Behavioural activation 50 Try behavioural activation 7
Find flow 51 Find 20 minutes of flow 8
Regular exercise 52 Exercise regularly 10
Eat sufficiently 53 Eat sufficiently 8
Eat healthy 54 Eat healthy 9
Avoid alcohol 55 Avoid alcohol 10
Balance caffeine intake 56 Balance caffeine intake 10
Hot drinks 57 Try a warm drink 7
Stay hydrated 58 Stay hydrated 7
Balance salt intake 59 Balance salt intake 6
Evaluate sleep aids 60 Evaluate sleep aids 6
Tense and release 61 Tense and release 8
Change movement pattern 62 Change movement pattern 7
Body Scan 63 Body Scan 8
Laugh more 64 Laugh more 7
Balance breathing 65 Balance breathing 7
Notice your breathing 66 Notice your breathing 7
Visualize a peaceful place 67 Visualize a peaceful place 8
Count down from 299 68 Arm swing breathing 9
Arm swing breathing 69 Arm swing breathing 9
Try Breath Moving 70 Try Breath Moving 9
Try Coherent Breathing 71 Try Coherent Breathing 8
Estimate the stress level 72 Estimate the stress level 7
Relax with fresh air 73 Relax with fresh air 8
Induce yawning 74 Induce yawning 8
Relax with a hot bath 75 Relax with a hot bath 8
Use a positive distraction 76 Use a positive distraction 8
Make a sleep challenge 77 Make a sleep challenge 9
Stop clock-watching (image) 78 Stop clock-watching 6
Pray to become relaxed 79 Pray to become relaxed 7
Evaluate EFT 80 Evaluate EFT 6
Evaluate ASMR 81 Evaluate ASMR 6
Evaluate Binaural Beats 82 Evaluate Binaural Beats 6
Be kind to your stomach 83 Be kind to your stomach 7
Reevaluate sleeping techniques 84 Reevaluate sleeping techniques 7
Have a plan B 85 Have a plan B 9
Shorten the time to fall asleep 86 Shorten the time to fall asleep 9
Reduce stress 87 Reduce stress 9
Sleep through the night 88 Sleep through the night 9
Handle worries about tomorrow 89 Handle worries about tomorrow 9
Deal with a bad night 90 Deal with a bad night 9
Treat insomnia 91 Treat insomnia 9
Avoid sleeping too much 92 Avoid sleeping too much 9
Counteract snoring & sleep apnea 93 Counteract snoring & sleep apnea 9
Change the body clock 94 Change the body clock 9
Handle painsomnia 95 Handle painsomnia 9
Handle restlessness 96 Handle restlessness 9
Boost the sleeping environment 97 Boost the sleeping environment 9
Recover from sleep dept 98 Recover from sleep dept 9
Cope with a Sleep emergency 99 Cope with a Sleep emergency 10